Soils & Engineering Services, Inc. (SES) was incorporated on April 1, 1966 in Madison, Wisconsin. The company was started by Earl Reichel, P.E. and Steve Schmidt, both of whom previously worked for Warzyn Engineering. Steve left SES in 1972 to pursue other interests. In 1980, Octavio Tejeda, P.E, became a partner with Earl. In 1993 Earl retired from the company, and Duane E. Reichel, P.E. became a partner with Octavio. In 2018 Octavio retired, and Duane took the reins as company president.
The first company-owned drilling rig was purchased new on August 26, 1968 from Central Mine Equipment Company (CME). We now own and operate eight drilling rigs with varying capabilities for geotechnical drilling and sampling, environmental drilling and sampling including direct-push sampling.

Our clients include government agencies, structural engineers, transportation engineers architects, developers,
homeowners, and private businesses.
We have many clients with whom we have 45 or more years of working relationships.
Some of our work involves returning to a previous project for a building addition or site
expansion. Our project archives are helpful in supplementing the current geotechnical
exploration program, with regard to what subsurface conditions might be expected.

To affirm our commitment to our natural environment, we installed a total of 198 high efficiency photovoltaic solar panels rated for generating 64.4 kW of power. The amount of electricity produced equals our electric demand.
To further reduce our environmental impact, we are investing in new equipment with the most current low emission engines.
Geotechnical and environmental
drilling and sampling,
Installation of monitoring wells.
Sampling and testing of soils, aggregate,
concrete, asphalt cement, hot-mix
asphalt and emulsified asphalt.